Monday, October 26, 2009

Bufo Toad Poisoning

Recently a friend of ours contacted us and said that they thought their dog had grabbed a toad. They had heard that toads could be deadly but they weren't sure what to do. Yes, certain species of toads do secrete a very toxic substance that is highly toxic to dogs and cats. The substance is a defense mechanism: when the toad is grabbed (jaws of a predator for example), they secrete the toxin which irritates the mucous membrane of the assailant and they release their grip.

Unfortunately, I have see this a number of times. Take the following steps if you think your dog or cat has come into contact with a toad.

1. wash their mouth out, taking care to rinse the gums thoroughly

2. After rinsing, look carefully at the gums - they should be pink. If the gums are a fiery red, that means the dog has absorbed the toxin and it is crucial that you get to an emergency room.

Symptoms are excessive salivation, restlessness,. If left untreated, dogs will seizure, develop irregular heartbeats and in some cases, die from the toxins.

Keep your pets safe and keep wagging!

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