Thursday, September 25, 2008

Puppy Mills

Oprah did it again! She talked about puppy mills and made even more people aware of how horrific and cruel some people are to animals.

Main Line Animal Rescue is doing a fabulous job by not only creating a lot of awareness but getting a lot of these wonderful but neglected animals caring homes.

Want to know what you can do to help stop puppy mills?  These dogs need your help!
Stop Puppy Mills will educate you from the beginning and how you can help put a stop to them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have a weimawaner, and he loves counter tops especially when there is stuff on it , the bad news is there was a fair amount of brownies, that I think I have forgotten behind when I left this morning, so my question is I'm I going to find a bad surprise on my return from work ?