Thursday, August 21, 2008

Meds for you Dogs and Cats

I am surprised by how many people do not know this...but I've also been in the industry as a vet tech and practice manager....and sometimes forget. It is only when my Neanderthal like husband brings something up that I realize...

My husband was surprised when I told him that he couldn't give Bishi half of .....I informed him that the easy way to tell was if the medication is segmented (IOW, it has a line through the middle to make it easier to break in half), it is okay to break it up. As he furrowed his meaty brow and grunted, I knew further explanation was needed. I informed him that when it is segmented, the medication is evenly distributed; when it is not, the medicine could be concentrated in one half. And if you gave the wrong half...just remember;

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