Thursday, January 10, 2013

Canine Entropion eye surgery

It's been almost two weeks since Bishop, our English Bulldog, had surgery for entropion.

If you have watched previous videos, you know what Bishi looked like before. Tightly packed folds around his eyes, so much so you couldn't tell what color his eyes were.

Take a look at the "How to give a dog eye drops" video (below) and you'll see how much skin he has around his eyes. Seriously, that's enough skin for a couple of dogs.

Now that he has recovered, his eyes are big and round and I found out that his eyes are actually brown. And the beauty of this procedure is he hasn't pawed at his eyes or squinted or rubbed his eyes. He's a brand new happy dog!

I have to give a special thanks to Bishops ophthalmologist - Dr. Colitz! She is one of the best canine ophthalmologists I've had the pleasure of working with and through the years she has done wonders not only for Bishop but for countless other dogs! 

If you have a question about the surgery, please contact me - and if you have one of your babies undergoing the same procedure, send us before and after pics and we'll write about them.

Keep your pets safe and healthy and keep wagging!

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