Monday, September 26, 2011

Keep Wagging success story

When I first created my Keep Wagging line of T-shirts, it was with the best intentions. I wanted to spread a positive thought, to underscore what dogs can teach us about dealing with adversity. Sorry for being long winded but I think this is important. With respect to keeping a great attitude, I was always amazed that when an injured dog came into the hospital, it inevitably would wag when I would walk up to them to evaluate or treat them. And I couldn't help but think that, good lord, here's a dog with a compound fracture and he's frickin' wagging at me? In spite of the negative thing that has just happened, he's taking the positive track. And I realized a couple of things: one that an event in your life has no meaning - it just is, it just exists, it's life. And you put the meaning to it.  In the case of the dog with the fracture, it isn't "this sucks...I just broke my leg" it's most likely "here's a friendly approaching me and I'm glad to see them!" Okay, maybe not so clear cut but you get the point. You can sulk over your misfortune or you can put the positive spin on it. If that is too Polyannish for you, I can't help you.
And here's the kicker. When you frame life in a positive vibe, guess what? That is what you attract! Because I know most of you know someone who is really negative about everything, and they constantly have bad stuff hitting them. Think there's a correlation? Of course there is. Negative energy does no one any good. So stay positive and keep wagging!

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