Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cleaning a Dogs skin part 2

Okay...I promised you more and here is an issue that plagues many dogs with funky tails. Since a lot of bulldogs have corkscrew or just downright bizarre tails, they require a bit more care than most. Using Mr. Bishop as an example, we  have to make sure that we clean around his big fold of skin above his tail. This is the area most prone to infection and he can't clean it...so it leaves it up to us. We know when it is bothering him when he turns his head from side to side as if something were bitting his rump...but usually it means his skin is acting up a bit and we missed a cleaning or two. So watch the video and learn how easy it is to clean and maintain healthy skin on your dog! A clean dog with infection free skin is a happy dog. My father used to say this all the time when I was growing up and we never owed a dog. Odd man but now I know what he meant. Keep Wagging!

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