Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cleaning a Dogs skin part 2

Okay...I promised you more and here is an issue that plagues many dogs with funky tails. Since a lot of bulldogs have corkscrew or just downright bizarre tails, they require a bit more care than most. Using Mr. Bishop as an example, we  have to make sure that we clean around his big fold of skin above his tail. This is the area most prone to infection and he can't clean it...so it leaves it up to us. We know when it is bothering him when he turns his head from side to side as if something were bitting his rump...but usually it means his skin is acting up a bit and we missed a cleaning or two. So watch the video and learn how easy it is to clean and maintain healthy skin on your dog! A clean dog with infection free skin is a happy dog. My father used to say this all the time when I was growing up and we never owed a dog. Odd man but now I know what he meant. Keep Wagging!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Caring for Bulldog Skin

I've spoken in the past about the issues that pure breeds pose. Everything from surgeries to repair bad knees, backs and hips to allergies. I'm going to show you how to take care of bulldog skin. Actually any dog that has wrinkles needs to have her/his skin cleaned but most pet owners are not aware of this. If they don't take care of the skin properly, their dog can end up with a nasty infection that can quickly become a very serious problem. So if you see a red inflamed area around a fold, time to wipe it out and clean. If a dogs face smells unusually bad, time to clean their face. Good rule of thumb: clean their face by wiping with a baby wipe or wet gauze at least twice a week. Minimum.  Watch the video below to give you an idea of how to do this very easy procedure and keep your dog happy and healthy! Keep wagging!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

miracle dog swims six miles

I have to share this incredible story with you. Just when you think you've heard a story about a dog or a cats resilience...there comes another story that makes your jaw drop. And this is one of those stories. Apparently this dog fell overboard and swam six miles...okay, I won't spoil the rest but you can check out the story here: _ http://tiny.cc/QNwLe 

Dogs and cats...okay, not just dogs or cats but all animals...they continue to amaze me with their survival instincts and skills. I can only imagine how the owner reacted when she got word that her dog was alive! This is a wonderful story!